Manfaat dan Risiko Minuman Isotonik bagi Kesehatan

Manfaat dan Risiko Minuman Isotonik bagi Kesehatan
Ilustrasi minuman isotonik. Credit: Freepik

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Drinking isotonic drinks after working out can be a great way to quench your thirst. These drinks contain sugar and salt, which help restore the electrolytes lost during exercise. However, it is important to consume them in moderation to avoid any possible side effects. By finding the right balance, you can enjoy the revitalizing benefits of isotonic drinks while caring for your overall well-being.


What Is an Isotonic Drink?

After strenuous exercise such as running or rowing, it's important to replenish your body with a refreshing isotonic drink.

During exercise, the body sweats to regulate temperature and loses electrolytes like sodium, magnesium, and potassium. Electrolytes conduct electrical charges, which keep your body running efficiently. Minerals maintain fluid levels, convert nutrients into energy and support brain function, heart rhythm, and muscle control.

A person can lose electrolytes due to exercise or illness like fever. To replenish lost electrolytes, you can drink isotonic beverages.

Isotonic drinks and sports drinks differ in their composition. While isotonic drinks contain electrolytes, sports drinks may have added substances like caffeine.

Read more: Sports Guidelines In The Middle Of Extreme Heat Weather.


Isotonic drinks have various benefits.


Improves performance when exercising

Athletes, runners, and other sports enthusiasts widely consume electrolyte drinks. These drinks help fuel the body before exercising and replenish fluids, energy, and electrolytes lost during exercise. Drinking isotonic drinks while exercising can also optimize muscle function during exercise and prevent cramps and dehydration.


Supports the immune system

Illnesses such as fever and diarrhea can lead to dehydration and loss of electrolytes, which are important for the immune system to function properly.

Potassium, chloride, and calcium work together in the process of apoptosis, which is the body's way of destroying damaged cells before they become cancerous.

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Maintain the health of the body’s cells.

Water in electrolyte drinks has several benefits, including transporting nutrients into the body's cells and removing waste products from them. Fluid function is essential to maintain the health and survival of cells, and it also helps protect organs and tissues while carrying nutrients and oxygen to the cells. Moreover, this process helps reduce the burden on the kidneys and liver by eliminating waste products.

Helps prevent heat stroke

When exercising in hot weather, it's important to drink electrolytes to replenish lost fluids and prevent heat stroke. Drinking electrolytes also helps keep you cool and avoid dehydration, dizziness, or nausea due to electrolyte imbalance from heat stroke.

Side Effects of Isotonic Drinks

Isotonic drinks contain electrolytes that prevent dehydration. Although they provide freshness and health benefits, isotonic drinks should not be consumed excessively.

It is important to note that some isotonic drinks have artificial sweeteners that contain excessive sugar and calories. If consumed in large amounts, these drinks can lead to an increased risk of obesity and other health problems such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and joint inflammation. Drinking too many isotonic drinks can also result in an electrolyte imbalance, which is characterized by symptoms such as confusion, diarrhea, headaches, nausea, and vomiting.


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Writer : Ratih AI Care
Editor :
  • dr Nadia Opmalina
Last Updated : Selasa, 6 Februari 2024 | 06:44